TruckStore is the world’s No. 1 address for buying and selling used trucks. This means that you are sure to find a TruckStore Center somewhere near you. You can therefore rely on the same high standard of quality, advice and selection. As a TruckStore customer, you have access to a large pool of used commercial vehicles of all brands, ages and types.
Our services for used trucks are perfectly tailored to your requirements. We provide vehicle warranties, individual financial services, vehicle buy-back, part-exchange, export services and ServiceContracts.
Mercedes-Benz Trucks Certified is the quality promise for used trucks from Mercedes-Benz Trucks. All vehicles with the Mercedes-Benz Trucks Certified label have undergone an exhaustive technical inspection by a workshop at one of our own dealerships or at a Mercedes-Benz Trucks contractual partner in accordance with high, uniform standards.
The following standards are defined for Mercedes-Benz Trucks Certified vehicles:
With the warranty, you will minimise your risk as a business owner in the case of unexpected damage.
Finance or lease your used commercial vehicle at TruckStore. In co-operation with Daimler Truck Financial Services, we will be glad to provide you with individual leasing and hire purchase offers for your desired vehicle.
You have two possibilities when it comes to searching for vehicles.
1) Search bar
2) Search
Individual search criteria or key words can be entered directly in the search field.
At the top-left of the page, you can select the country and language. The total number of stock vehicles around Europe is always shown on the homepage.
Our latest offers are summarised in the overview. We differentiate between financing offers, leasing offers and special offers.
It is possible to search for a record number in the search bar on the upper edge of the screen. Simply enter the number and select the appropriate result in the search bar.
It is not currently possible to set up a saved search. In order to stay up-to-date with the latest information, please either sign up for the newsletter or use the watch list.
In the vehicle search function and on the vehicle details page, you will find the "Watch" function. The watch list itself can be found on the top-left of the page, next to the search bar. Your favourite vehicles will be shown as a clear overview in this watch list.
Vehicles can be added to the watch list by clicking on the star on the vehicle results list.
The watch list is stored for as long as the required cookies are enabled and if the browser settings are not set to delete the history/cookies upon closing.
In the vehicle search function and on the vehicle details page, you will find the "Bookmark" function. The bookmark list itself can be found on the top-left of the page next to the search bar. Your favourite vehicles will be shown as a clear overview in this bookmark list.
Our offer is updated several times a day between 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Yes, TruckStore takes all vehicle brands in part-exchange.
Use the TruckStore part-exchange for simple and fair processing of your used vehicle. We offer you a professional evaluation and a fair price for your vehicle. The price for the part-exchange will then be deducted problem-free from the purchase price of the desired vehicle from our stock.
Feel free to contact your nearest TruckStore for information on part-exchanging your truck.
This depends on how far through our internal processes the vehicle is. As a general rule, we say that it is possible to pick up a vehicle within 10 days after the order is placed.
TruckStore can help you when exporting a vehicle.
If required, the vehicle can also be delivered to your address by our logistics team. You can obtain further information from any TruckStore location.
Feel free to use our various communication channels:
Chat function on our website
The contact data of the relevant contact persons can be found directly in the details page of your desired vehicle.
At TruckStore, we send out our TruckLetter newsletter regularly in accordance with your individual requirements. The following selection and personalization options are available to you
The newsletter can be found on the homepage and in the vehicle results list from where it can be ordered.
It is possible to unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time. Information on this can be found at the end of each newsletter.